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(Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020–2025. Wellington: Ministry of Health.)

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A commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The health and disability system is committed to fulfilling the special  relationship between Māori and the Crown under Te Tiriti o Waitangi  (Te Tiriti).


With regard to the text of Te Tiriti and declarations made  during its signing – the Ministry of Health (the Ministry), as the kaitiaki  and steward of the health and disability system (under article 1 of  Te Tiriti), has the responsibility to enable Māori to exercise authority over  their health and wellbeing (under article 2) and achieve equitable health  outcomes for Māori (under article 3) in ways that enable Māori to live,  thrive and flourish as Māori (Ritenga Māori declaration). 

Meeting our obligations under Te Tiriti is necessary if we are to realise the  overall aims of He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy (He Korowai  Oranga) and achieve outcomes for the health and disability system as  a whole.


This includes a desire to see all New Zealanders living longer,  healthier and more independent lives. 

Our expression of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The text of Te Tiriti, including the preamble and the three articles,  along with the Ritenga Māori declaration, are the enduring  foundation of our approach to achieving health and independence.  Based on these foundations, we will strive to achieve the following  four goals, each expressed in terms of mana. 

Mana Whakahaere 

Effective and appropriate kaitiakitanga and stewardship over the  health and disability system. Mana whakahaere is the exercise of  control in accordance with tikanga, kaupapa and kawa Māori. This  goes beyond the management of assets and resources and towards  enabling Māori aspirations for health and independence. 

Mana Motuhake 

Enabling the right for Māori to be Māori (Māori self-determination);  to exercise their authority over their lives and to live on Māori terms  and according to Māori philosophies, values and practices, including tikanga Māori. 

Mana Tangata 

Achieving equity in health and disability outcomes for Māori,  enhancing the mana of people across their life course and contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of Māori. 

Mana Māori 

Enabling Ritenga Māori (Māori customary rituals), which are framed  by te ao Māori (the Māori world), enacted through tikanga Māori  (Māori philosophy and customary practices) and encapsulated within mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge). 

Applying the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The principles of Te Tiriti, as articulated by the courts and the Waitangi  Tribunal, underpin the Ministry’s commitment to Te Tiriti, and guide the  actions outlined in this action plan.


The 2019 Hauora report recommends a  series of principles be applied to the primary health care system. 


These principles are applicable to the wider health and disability system as a  whole. The principles that apply to our work across the health and disability  system are: 

Tino Rangatiratanga 


Providing for Māori self-determination and mana motuhake in the design, delivery and monitoring of health and disability services. 




Being committed to achieving equitable health outcomes for Māori. 


Active protection 


Acting to the fullest extent practicable to achieve equitable health outcomes  for Māori. This includes ensuring that the Crown, its agents and its Treaty  partner under Te Tiriti are well informed on the extent, and nature, of both Māori health outcomes and efforts to achieve Māori health equity. 



Providing for and properly resourcing kaupapa Māori health and disability  services. Furthermore, the Crown is obliged to ensure that all health  and disability services are provided in a culturally appropriate way that  recognises and supports the expression of hauora Māori models of care. 




Working in partnership with Māori in the governance, design, delivery and  monitoring of health and disability services – Māori must be co-designers, with the Crown, of the primary health system for Māori. 

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